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  • Writer's pictureMirna Olkia

What is Postal Code and Zip Code?

Basically, the postal code is a set of numbers, symbols and spaces that are used to route and sort mail. These codes are assigned to individual addresses, businesses, military units, and other delivery destinations. They help to automate the delivery process. They also help to identify the location and validate the address.

The format of postal codes differs from country to country. Most countries use a numeric system. Others use an alphanumeric system. In the United Kingdom, the postcodes are alphanumeric. They are between five and eight characters in length.

Postal codes help to make the delivery process easier. They also help to prevent confusion between areas with the same name. They may also cover a particular street or a region. The codes also help in checking the identity of the recipient.

Postal codes are usually assigned to large organizations, businesses, and institutions. They are also used for postal employees to deliver mail to various locations. Some countries use a more complex system.

A postal code is usually written at the beginning of the address. In most European countries, it is written before the name of the city. It may also be used as a last item in an address. It can be a simple two-letter state abbreviation.

Postal codes are also used in other countries, such as Canada. Postal codes are also used in Russia, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan. Depending on the country, different characters are used in the postal code.



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